
Software defined networking (SDN) is a recent feature that allows the creation, control and customization of the network through the use of software, unlike the traditional model where the network was fixed and defined by hardware. This paradigm change is accomplished by the existence of a central entity in the network, called controller, which is responsible for sending the rules of forwarding, modifying and/or dropping of packet flows to the switches. The purpose of this work is to analyze the use of SDN for load balancing by developing a balancer that can execute three different algorithms, giving to the user the possibility to choose and change (at run time) which will be used, as well as their parameters.


To access the proposal, click here.


We divide the project into eight tasks, they are:
  1. Create the repository/base code using OpenFlow protocol and Mininet;
  2. Define the algorithms to be used;
  3. Add the algorithms to the network;
  4. Allow the user to select the algorithm and its parameters for load balancing;
  5. Create network quality tests using the developed SDN and specific hardware;
  6. Write the monograph;
  7. Make the poster.
With this, our schedule of activities is as follows.
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
1 X X
2 X X
3 X X
4 X X
5 X
6 X X
7 X X


We will use and modify the POX controller to create and manage our SDN, making use and improving an existing load balancing module.


To access the monograph, click here.


To access the poster in Portuguese, click here.