LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu - amdgpu_mes.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 8 0.0 %
Date: 2022-12-09 01:23:36 Functions: 0 2 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * Copyright 2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
       3             :  *
       4             :  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
       5             :  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
       6             :  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
       7             :  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
       8             :  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
       9             :  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
      10             :  *
      11             :  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
      12             :  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
      13             :  *
      20             :  * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
      21             :  *
      22             :  */
      23             : 
      24             : #ifndef __AMDGPU_MES_H__
      25             : #define __AMDGPU_MES_H__
      26             : 
      27             : #include "amdgpu_irq.h"
      28             : #include "kgd_kfd_interface.h"
      29             : #include "amdgpu_gfx.h"
      30             : #include <linux/sched/mm.h>
      31             : 
      32             : #define AMDGPU_MES_MAX_COMPUTE_PIPES        8
      33             : #define AMDGPU_MES_MAX_GFX_PIPES            2
      34             : #define AMDGPU_MES_MAX_SDMA_PIPES           2
      35             : 
      36             : #define AMDGPU_MES_API_VERSION_SHIFT    12
      37             : #define AMDGPU_MES_FEAT_VERSION_SHIFT   24
      38             : 
      39             : #define AMDGPU_MES_VERSION_MASK         0x00000fff
      40             : #define AMDGPU_MES_API_VERSION_MASK     0x00fff000
      41             : #define AMDGPU_MES_FEAT_VERSION_MASK    0xff000000
      42             : 
      43             : enum amdgpu_mes_priority_level {
      44             :         AMDGPU_MES_PRIORITY_LEVEL_LOW       = 0,
      45             :         AMDGPU_MES_PRIORITY_LEVEL_NORMAL    = 1,
      46             :         AMDGPU_MES_PRIORITY_LEVEL_MEDIUM    = 2,
      47             :         AMDGPU_MES_PRIORITY_LEVEL_HIGH      = 3,
      48             :         AMDGPU_MES_PRIORITY_LEVEL_REALTIME  = 4,
      49             :         AMDGPU_MES_PRIORITY_NUM_LEVELS
      50             : };
      51             : 
      52             : #define AMDGPU_MES_PROC_CTX_SIZE 0x1000 /* one page area */
      53             : #define AMDGPU_MES_GANG_CTX_SIZE 0x1000 /* one page area */
      54             : 
      55             : struct amdgpu_mes_funcs;
      56             : 
      57             : enum admgpu_mes_pipe {
      58             :         AMDGPU_MES_SCHED_PIPE = 0,
      59             :         AMDGPU_MES_KIQ_PIPE,
      60             :         AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES = 2,
      61             : };
      62             : 
      63             : struct amdgpu_mes {
      64             :         struct amdgpu_device            *adev;
      65             : 
      66             :         struct mutex                    mutex_hidden;
      67             : 
      68             :         struct idr                      pasid_idr;
      69             :         struct idr                      gang_id_idr;
      70             :         struct idr                      queue_id_idr;
      71             :         struct ida                      doorbell_ida;
      72             : 
      73             :         spinlock_t                      queue_id_lock;
      74             : 
      75             :         uint32_t                        sched_version;
      76             :         uint32_t                        kiq_version;
      77             : 
      78             :         uint32_t                        total_max_queue;
      79             :         uint32_t                        doorbell_id_offset;
      80             :         uint32_t                        max_doorbell_slices;
      81             : 
      82             :         uint64_t                        default_process_quantum;
      83             :         uint64_t                        default_gang_quantum;
      84             : 
      85             :         struct amdgpu_ring              ring;
      86             :         spinlock_t                      ring_lock;
      87             : 
      88             :         const struct firmware           *fw[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
      89             : 
      90             :         /* mes ucode */
      91             :         struct amdgpu_bo                *ucode_fw_obj[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
      92             :         uint64_t                        ucode_fw_gpu_addr[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
      93             :         uint32_t                        *ucode_fw_ptr[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
      94             :         uint32_t                        ucode_fw_version[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
      95             :         uint64_t                        uc_start_addr[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
      96             : 
      97             :         /* mes ucode data */
      98             :         struct amdgpu_bo                *data_fw_obj[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
      99             :         uint64_t                        data_fw_gpu_addr[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     100             :         uint32_t                        *data_fw_ptr[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     101             :         uint32_t                        data_fw_version[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     102             :         uint64_t                        data_start_addr[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     103             : 
     104             :         /* eop gpu obj */
     105             :         struct amdgpu_bo                *eop_gpu_obj[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     106             :         uint64_t                        eop_gpu_addr[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     107             : 
     108             :         void                            *mqd_backup[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     109             :         struct amdgpu_irq_src           irq[AMDGPU_MAX_MES_PIPES];
     110             : 
     111             :         uint32_t                        vmid_mask_gfxhub;
     112             :         uint32_t                        vmid_mask_mmhub;
     113             :         uint32_t                        compute_hqd_mask[AMDGPU_MES_MAX_COMPUTE_PIPES];
     114             :         uint32_t                        gfx_hqd_mask[AMDGPU_MES_MAX_GFX_PIPES];
     115             :         uint32_t                        sdma_hqd_mask[AMDGPU_MES_MAX_SDMA_PIPES];
     116             :         uint32_t                        aggregated_doorbells[AMDGPU_MES_PRIORITY_NUM_LEVELS];
     117             :         uint32_t                        sch_ctx_offs;
     118             :         uint64_t                        sch_ctx_gpu_addr;
     119             :         uint64_t                        *sch_ctx_ptr;
     120             :         uint32_t                        query_status_fence_offs;
     121             :         uint64_t                        query_status_fence_gpu_addr;
     122             :         uint64_t                        *query_status_fence_ptr;
     123             :         uint32_t                        read_val_offs;
     124             :         uint64_t                        read_val_gpu_addr;
     125             :         uint32_t                        *read_val_ptr;
     126             : 
     127             :         uint32_t                        saved_flags;
     128             : 
     129             :         /* initialize kiq pipe */
     130             :         int                             (*kiq_hw_init)(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     131             :         int                             (*kiq_hw_fini)(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     132             : 
     133             :         /* ip specific functions */
     134             :         const struct amdgpu_mes_funcs   *funcs;
     135             : };
     136             : 
     137             : struct amdgpu_mes_process {
     138             :         int                     pasid;
     139             :         struct                  amdgpu_vm *vm;
     140             :         uint64_t                pd_gpu_addr;
     141             :         struct amdgpu_bo        *proc_ctx_bo;
     142             :         uint64_t                proc_ctx_gpu_addr;
     143             :         void                    *proc_ctx_cpu_ptr;
     144             :         uint64_t                process_quantum;
     145             :         struct                  list_head gang_list;
     146             :         uint32_t                doorbell_index;
     147             :         unsigned long           *doorbell_bitmap;
     148             :         struct mutex            doorbell_lock;
     149             : };
     150             : 
     151             : struct amdgpu_mes_gang {
     152             :         int                             gang_id;
     153             :         int                             priority;
     154             :         int                             inprocess_gang_priority;
     155             :         int                             global_priority_level;
     156             :         struct list_head                list;
     157             :         struct amdgpu_mes_process       *process;
     158             :         struct amdgpu_bo                *gang_ctx_bo;
     159             :         uint64_t                        gang_ctx_gpu_addr;
     160             :         void                            *gang_ctx_cpu_ptr;
     161             :         uint64_t                        gang_quantum;
     162             :         struct list_head                queue_list;
     163             : };
     164             : 
     165             : struct amdgpu_mes_queue {
     166             :         struct list_head                list;
     167             :         struct amdgpu_mes_gang          *gang;
     168             :         int                             queue_id;
     169             :         uint64_t                        doorbell_off;
     170             :         struct amdgpu_bo                *mqd_obj;
     171             :         void                            *mqd_cpu_ptr;
     172             :         uint64_t                        mqd_gpu_addr;
     173             :         uint64_t                        wptr_gpu_addr;
     174             :         int                             queue_type;
     175             :         int                             paging;
     176             :         struct amdgpu_ring              *ring;
     177             : };
     178             : 
     179             : struct amdgpu_mes_queue_properties {
     180             :         int                     queue_type;
     181             :         uint64_t                hqd_base_gpu_addr;
     182             :         uint64_t                rptr_gpu_addr;
     183             :         uint64_t                wptr_gpu_addr;
     184             :         uint64_t                wptr_mc_addr;
     185             :         uint32_t                queue_size;
     186             :         uint64_t                eop_gpu_addr;
     187             :         uint32_t                hqd_pipe_priority;
     188             :         uint32_t                hqd_queue_priority;
     189             :         bool                    paging;
     190             :         struct amdgpu_ring      *ring;
     191             :         /* out */
     192             :         uint64_t                doorbell_off;
     193             : };
     194             : 
     195             : struct amdgpu_mes_gang_properties {
     196             :         uint32_t        priority;
     197             :         uint32_t        gang_quantum;
     198             :         uint32_t        inprocess_gang_priority;
     199             :         uint32_t        priority_level;
     200             :         int             global_priority_level;
     201             : };
     202             : 
     203             : struct mes_add_queue_input {
     204             :         uint32_t        process_id;
     205             :         uint64_t        page_table_base_addr;
     206             :         uint64_t        process_va_start;
     207             :         uint64_t        process_va_end;
     208             :         uint64_t        process_quantum;
     209             :         uint64_t        process_context_addr;
     210             :         uint64_t        gang_quantum;
     211             :         uint64_t        gang_context_addr;
     212             :         uint32_t        inprocess_gang_priority;
     213             :         uint32_t        gang_global_priority_level;
     214             :         uint32_t        doorbell_offset;
     215             :         uint64_t        mqd_addr;
     216             :         uint64_t        wptr_addr;
     217             :         uint64_t        wptr_mc_addr;
     218             :         uint32_t        queue_type;
     219             :         uint32_t        paging;
     220             :         uint32_t        gws_base;
     221             :         uint32_t        gws_size;
     222             :         uint64_t        tba_addr;
     223             :         uint64_t        tma_addr;
     224             :         uint32_t        is_kfd_process;
     225             : };
     226             : 
     227             : struct mes_remove_queue_input {
     228             :         uint32_t        doorbell_offset;
     229             :         uint64_t        gang_context_addr;
     230             : };
     231             : 
     232             : struct mes_unmap_legacy_queue_input {
     233             :         enum amdgpu_unmap_queues_action    action;
     234             :         uint32_t                           queue_type;
     235             :         uint32_t                           doorbell_offset;
     236             :         uint32_t                           pipe_id;
     237             :         uint32_t                           queue_id;
     238             :         uint64_t                           trail_fence_addr;
     239             :         uint64_t                           trail_fence_data;
     240             : };
     241             : 
     242             : struct mes_suspend_gang_input {
     243             :         bool            suspend_all_gangs;
     244             :         uint64_t        gang_context_addr;
     245             :         uint64_t        suspend_fence_addr;
     246             :         uint32_t        suspend_fence_value;
     247             : };
     248             : 
     249             : struct mes_resume_gang_input {
     250             :         bool            resume_all_gangs;
     251             :         uint64_t        gang_context_addr;
     252             : };
     253             : 
     254             : enum mes_misc_opcode {
     255             :         MES_MISC_OP_WRITE_REG,
     256             :         MES_MISC_OP_READ_REG,
     257             :         MES_MISC_OP_WRM_REG_WAIT,
     258             :         MES_MISC_OP_WRM_REG_WR_WAIT,
     259             : };
     260             : 
     261             : struct mes_misc_op_input {
     262             :         enum mes_misc_opcode op;
     263             : 
     264             :         union {
     265             :                 struct {
     266             :                         uint32_t                  reg_offset;
     267             :                         uint64_t                  buffer_addr;
     268             :                 } read_reg;
     269             : 
     270             :                 struct {
     271             :                         uint32_t                  reg_offset;
     272             :                         uint32_t                  reg_value;
     273             :                 } write_reg;
     274             : 
     275             :                 struct {
     276             :                         uint32_t                   ref;
     277             :                         uint32_t                   mask;
     278             :                         uint32_t                   reg0;
     279             :                         uint32_t                   reg1;
     280             :                 } wrm_reg;
     281             :         };
     282             : };
     283             : 
     284             : struct amdgpu_mes_funcs {
     285             :         int (*add_hw_queue)(struct amdgpu_mes *mes,
     286             :                             struct mes_add_queue_input *input);
     287             : 
     288             :         int (*remove_hw_queue)(struct amdgpu_mes *mes,
     289             :                                struct mes_remove_queue_input *input);
     290             : 
     291             :         int (*unmap_legacy_queue)(struct amdgpu_mes *mes,
     292             :                                   struct mes_unmap_legacy_queue_input *input);
     293             : 
     294             :         int (*suspend_gang)(struct amdgpu_mes *mes,
     295             :                             struct mes_suspend_gang_input *input);
     296             : 
     297             :         int (*resume_gang)(struct amdgpu_mes *mes,
     298             :                            struct mes_resume_gang_input *input);
     299             : 
     300             :         int (*misc_op)(struct amdgpu_mes *mes,
     301             :                        struct mes_misc_op_input *input);
     302             : };
     303             : 
     304             : #define amdgpu_mes_kiq_hw_init(adev) (adev)->mes.kiq_hw_init((adev))
     305             : #define amdgpu_mes_kiq_hw_fini(adev) (adev)->mes.kiq_hw_fini((adev))
     306             : 
     307             : int amdgpu_mes_ctx_get_offs(struct amdgpu_ring *ring, unsigned int id_offs);
     308             : 
     309             : int amdgpu_mes_init(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     310             : void amdgpu_mes_fini(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     311             : 
     312             : int amdgpu_mes_create_process(struct amdgpu_device *adev, int pasid,
     313             :                               struct amdgpu_vm *vm);
     314             : void amdgpu_mes_destroy_process(struct amdgpu_device *adev, int pasid);
     315             : 
     316             : int amdgpu_mes_add_gang(struct amdgpu_device *adev, int pasid,
     317             :                         struct amdgpu_mes_gang_properties *gprops,
     318             :                         int *gang_id);
     319             : int amdgpu_mes_remove_gang(struct amdgpu_device *adev, int gang_id);
     320             : 
     321             : int amdgpu_mes_suspend(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     322             : int amdgpu_mes_resume(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     323             : 
     324             : int amdgpu_mes_add_hw_queue(struct amdgpu_device *adev, int gang_id,
     325             :                             struct amdgpu_mes_queue_properties *qprops,
     326             :                             int *queue_id);
     327             : int amdgpu_mes_remove_hw_queue(struct amdgpu_device *adev, int queue_id);
     328             : 
     329             : int amdgpu_mes_unmap_legacy_queue(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     330             :                                   struct amdgpu_ring *ring,
     331             :                                   enum amdgpu_unmap_queues_action action,
     332             :                                   u64 gpu_addr, u64 seq);
     333             : 
     334             : uint32_t amdgpu_mes_rreg(struct amdgpu_device *adev, uint32_t reg);
     335             : int amdgpu_mes_wreg(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     336             :                     uint32_t reg, uint32_t val);
     337             : int amdgpu_mes_reg_wait(struct amdgpu_device *adev, uint32_t reg,
     338             :                         uint32_t val, uint32_t mask);
     339             : int amdgpu_mes_reg_write_reg_wait(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     340             :                                   uint32_t reg0, uint32_t reg1,
     341             :                                   uint32_t ref, uint32_t mask);
     342             : 
     343             : int amdgpu_mes_add_ring(struct amdgpu_device *adev, int gang_id,
     344             :                         int queue_type, int idx,
     345             :                         struct amdgpu_mes_ctx_data *ctx_data,
     346             :                         struct amdgpu_ring **out);
     347             : void amdgpu_mes_remove_ring(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     348             :                             struct amdgpu_ring *ring);
     349             : 
     350             : uint32_t amdgpu_mes_get_aggregated_doorbell_index(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     351             :                                                    enum amdgpu_mes_priority_level prio);
     352             : 
     353             : int amdgpu_mes_ctx_alloc_meta_data(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     354             :                                    struct amdgpu_mes_ctx_data *ctx_data);
     355             : void amdgpu_mes_ctx_free_meta_data(struct amdgpu_mes_ctx_data *ctx_data);
     356             : int amdgpu_mes_ctx_map_meta_data(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     357             :                                  struct amdgpu_vm *vm,
     358             :                                  struct amdgpu_mes_ctx_data *ctx_data);
     359             : int amdgpu_mes_ctx_unmap_meta_data(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     360             :                                    struct amdgpu_mes_ctx_data *ctx_data);
     361             : 
     362             : int amdgpu_mes_self_test(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     363             : 
     364             : int amdgpu_mes_alloc_process_doorbells(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     365             :                                         unsigned int *doorbell_index);
     366             : void amdgpu_mes_free_process_doorbells(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     367             :                                         unsigned int doorbell_index);
     368             : unsigned int amdgpu_mes_get_doorbell_dw_offset_in_bar(
     369             :                                         struct amdgpu_device *adev,
     370             :                                         uint32_t doorbell_index,
     371             :                                         unsigned int doorbell_id);
     372             : int amdgpu_mes_doorbell_process_slice(struct amdgpu_device *adev);
     373             : 
     374             : /*
     375             :  * MES lock can be taken in MMU notifiers.
     376             :  *
     377             :  * A bit more detail about why to set no-FS reclaim with MES lock:
     378             :  *
     379             :  * The purpose of the MMU notifier is to stop GPU access to memory so
     380             :  * that the Linux VM subsystem can move pages around safely. This is
     381             :  * done by preempting user mode queues for the affected process. When
     382             :  * MES is used, MES lock needs to be taken to preempt the queues.
     383             :  *
     384             :  * The MMU notifier callback entry point in the driver is
     385             :  * amdgpu_mn_invalidate_range_start_hsa. The relevant call chain from
     386             :  * there is:
     387             :  * amdgpu_amdkfd_evict_userptr -> kgd2kfd_quiesce_mm ->
     388             :  * kfd_process_evict_queues -> pdd->dev->dqm->ops.evict_process_queues
     389             :  *
     390             :  * The last part of the chain is a function pointer where we take the
     391             :  * MES lock.
     392             :  *
     393             :  * The problem with taking locks in the MMU notifier is, that MMU
     394             :  * notifiers can be called in reclaim-FS context. That's where the
     395             :  * kernel frees up pages to make room for new page allocations under
     396             :  * memory pressure. While we are running in reclaim-FS context, we must
     397             :  * not trigger another memory reclaim operation because that would
     398             :  * recursively reenter the reclaim code and cause a deadlock. The
     399             :  * memalloc_nofs_save/restore calls guarantee that.
     400             :  *
     401             :  * In addition we also need to avoid lock dependencies on other locks taken
     402             :  * under the MES lock, for example reservation locks. Here is a possible
     403             :  * scenario of a deadlock:
     404             :  * Thread A: takes and holds reservation lock | triggers reclaim-FS |
     405             :  * MMU notifier | blocks trying to take MES lock
     406             :  * Thread B: takes and holds MES lock | blocks trying to take reservation lock
     407             :  *
     408             :  * In this scenario Thread B gets involved in a deadlock even without
     409             :  * triggering a reclaim-FS operation itself.
     410             :  * To fix this and break the lock dependency chain you'd need to either:
     411             :  * 1. protect reservation locks with memalloc_nofs_save/restore, or
     412             :  * 2. avoid taking reservation locks under the MES lock.
     413             :  *
     414             :  * Reservation locks are taken all over the kernel in different subsystems, we
     415             :  * have no control over them and their lock dependencies.So the only workable
     416             :  * solution is to avoid taking other locks under the MES lock.
     417             :  * As a result, make sure no reclaim-FS happens while holding this lock anywhere
     418             :  * to prevent deadlocks when an MMU notifier runs in reclaim-FS context.
     419             :  */
     420           0 : static inline void amdgpu_mes_lock(struct amdgpu_mes *mes)
     421             : {
     422           0 :         mutex_lock(&mes->mutex_hidden);
     423           0 :         mes->saved_flags = memalloc_noreclaim_save();
     424           0 : }
     425             : 
     426           0 : static inline void amdgpu_mes_unlock(struct amdgpu_mes *mes)
     427             : {
     428           0 :         memalloc_noreclaim_restore(mes->saved_flags);
     429           0 :         mutex_unlock(&mes->mutex_hidden);
     430           0 : }
     431             : #endif /* __AMDGPU_MES_H__ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14