LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml/dcn30 - dcn30_fpu.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 291 0.0 %
Date: 2022-12-09 01:23:36 Functions: 0 12 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * Copyright 2020-2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
       3             :  *
       4             :  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
       5             :  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
       6             :  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
       7             :  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
       8             :  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
       9             :  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
      10             :  *
      11             :  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
      12             :  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
      13             :  *
      20             :  * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
      21             :  *
      22             :  * Authors: AMD
      23             :  *
      24             :  */
      25             : #include "resource.h"
      26             : #include "clk_mgr.h"
      27             : #include "reg_helper.h"
      28             : #include "dcn_calc_math.h"
      29             : #include "dcn20/dcn20_resource.h"
      30             : #include "dcn30/dcn30_resource.h"
      31             : 
      32             : #include "clk_mgr/dcn30/dcn30_smu11_driver_if.h"
      33             : #include "display_mode_vba_30.h"
      34             : #include "dcn30_fpu.h"
      35             : 
      36             : #define REG(reg)\
      37             :         optc1->tg_regs->reg
      38             : 
      39             : #define CTX \
      40             :         optc1->base.ctx
      41             : 
      42             : #undef FN
      43             : #define FN(reg_name, field_name) \
      44             :         optc1->tg_shift->field_name, optc1->tg_mask->field_name
      45             : 
      46             : 
      47             : struct _vcs_dpi_ip_params_st dcn3_0_ip = {
      48             :         .use_min_dcfclk = 0,
      49             :         .clamp_min_dcfclk = 0,
      50             :         .odm_capable = 1,
      51             :         .gpuvm_enable = 0,
      52             :         .hostvm_enable = 0,
      53             :         .gpuvm_max_page_table_levels = 4,
      54             :         .hostvm_max_page_table_levels = 4,
      55             :         .hostvm_cached_page_table_levels = 0,
      56             :         .pte_group_size_bytes = 2048,
      57             :         .num_dsc = 6,
      58             :         .rob_buffer_size_kbytes = 184,
      59             :         .det_buffer_size_kbytes = 184,
      60             :         .dpte_buffer_size_in_pte_reqs_luma = 84,
      61             :         .pde_proc_buffer_size_64k_reqs = 48,
      62             :         .dpp_output_buffer_pixels = 2560,
      63             :         .opp_output_buffer_lines = 1,
      64             :         .pixel_chunk_size_kbytes = 8,
      65             :         .pte_enable = 1,
      66             :         .max_page_table_levels = 2,
      67             :         .pte_chunk_size_kbytes = 2,  // ?
      68             :         .meta_chunk_size_kbytes = 2,
      69             :         .writeback_chunk_size_kbytes = 8,
      70             :         .line_buffer_size_bits = 789504,
      71             :         .is_line_buffer_bpp_fixed = 0,  // ?
      72             :         .line_buffer_fixed_bpp = 0,     // ?
      73             :         .dcc_supported = true,
      74             :         .writeback_interface_buffer_size_kbytes = 90,
      75             :         .writeback_line_buffer_buffer_size = 0,
      76             :         .max_line_buffer_lines = 12,
      77             :         .writeback_luma_buffer_size_kbytes = 12,  // writeback_line_buffer_buffer_size = 656640
      78             :         .writeback_chroma_buffer_size_kbytes = 8,
      79             :         .writeback_chroma_line_buffer_width_pixels = 4,
      80             :         .writeback_max_hscl_ratio = 1,
      81             :         .writeback_max_vscl_ratio = 1,
      82             :         .writeback_min_hscl_ratio = 1,
      83             :         .writeback_min_vscl_ratio = 1,
      84             :         .writeback_max_hscl_taps = 1,
      85             :         .writeback_max_vscl_taps = 1,
      86             :         .writeback_line_buffer_luma_buffer_size = 0,
      87             :         .writeback_line_buffer_chroma_buffer_size = 14643,
      88             :         .cursor_buffer_size = 8,
      89             :         .cursor_chunk_size = 2,
      90             :         .max_num_otg = 6,
      91             :         .max_num_dpp = 6,
      92             :         .max_num_wb = 1,
      93             :         .max_dchub_pscl_bw_pix_per_clk = 4,
      94             :         .max_pscl_lb_bw_pix_per_clk = 2,
      95             :         .max_lb_vscl_bw_pix_per_clk = 4,
      96             :         .max_vscl_hscl_bw_pix_per_clk = 4,
      97             :         .max_hscl_ratio = 6,
      98             :         .max_vscl_ratio = 6,
      99             :         .hscl_mults = 4,
     100             :         .vscl_mults = 4,
     101             :         .max_hscl_taps = 8,
     102             :         .max_vscl_taps = 8,
     103             :         .dispclk_ramp_margin_percent = 1,
     104             :         .underscan_factor = 1.11,
     105             :         .min_vblank_lines = 32,
     106             :         .dppclk_delay_subtotal = 46,
     107             :         .dynamic_metadata_vm_enabled = true,
     108             :         .dppclk_delay_scl_lb_only = 16,
     109             :         .dppclk_delay_scl = 50,
     110             :         .dppclk_delay_cnvc_formatter = 27,
     111             :         .dppclk_delay_cnvc_cursor = 6,
     112             :         .dispclk_delay_subtotal = 119,
     113             :         .dcfclk_cstate_latency = 5.2, // SRExitTime
     114             :         .max_inter_dcn_tile_repeaters = 8,
     115             :         .max_num_hdmi_frl_outputs = 1,
     116             :         .odm_combine_4to1_supported = true,
     117             : 
     118             :         .xfc_supported = false,
     119             :         .xfc_fill_bw_overhead_percent = 10.0,
     120             :         .xfc_fill_constant_bytes = 0,
     121             :         .gfx7_compat_tiling_supported = 0,
     122             :         .number_of_cursors = 1,
     123             : };
     124             : 
     125             : struct _vcs_dpi_soc_bounding_box_st dcn3_0_soc = {
     126             :         .clock_limits = {
     127             :                         {
     128             :                                 .state = 0,
     129             :                                 .dispclk_mhz = 562.0,
     130             :                                 .dppclk_mhz = 300.0,
     131             :                                 .phyclk_mhz = 300.0,
     132             :                                 .phyclk_d18_mhz = 667.0,
     133             :                                 .dscclk_mhz = 405.6,
     134             :                         },
     135             :                 },
     136             : 
     137             :         .min_dcfclk = 500.0, /* TODO: set this to actual min DCFCLK */
     138             :         .num_states = 1,
     139             :         .sr_exit_time_us = 15.5,
     140             :         .sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = 20,
     141             :         .urgent_latency_us = 4.0,
     142             :         .urgent_latency_pixel_data_only_us = 4.0,
     143             :         .urgent_latency_pixel_mixed_with_vm_data_us = 4.0,
     144             :         .urgent_latency_vm_data_only_us = 4.0,
     145             :         .urgent_out_of_order_return_per_channel_pixel_only_bytes = 4096,
     146             :         .urgent_out_of_order_return_per_channel_pixel_and_vm_bytes = 4096,
     147             :         .urgent_out_of_order_return_per_channel_vm_only_bytes = 4096,
     148             :         .pct_ideal_dram_sdp_bw_after_urgent_pixel_only = 80.0,
     149             :         .pct_ideal_dram_sdp_bw_after_urgent_pixel_and_vm = 60.0,
     150             :         .pct_ideal_dram_sdp_bw_after_urgent_vm_only = 40.0,
     151             :         .max_avg_sdp_bw_use_normal_percent = 60.0,
     152             :         .max_avg_dram_bw_use_normal_percent = 40.0,
     153             :         .writeback_latency_us = 12.0,
     154             :         .max_request_size_bytes = 256,
     155             :         .fabric_datapath_to_dcn_data_return_bytes = 64,
     156             :         .dcn_downspread_percent = 0.5,
     157             :         .downspread_percent = 0.38,
     158             :         .dram_page_open_time_ns = 50.0,
     159             :         .dram_rw_turnaround_time_ns = 17.5,
     160             :         .dram_return_buffer_per_channel_bytes = 8192,
     161             :         .round_trip_ping_latency_dcfclk_cycles = 191,
     162             :         .urgent_out_of_order_return_per_channel_bytes = 4096,
     163             :         .channel_interleave_bytes = 256,
     164             :         .num_banks = 8,
     165             :         .gpuvm_min_page_size_bytes = 4096,
     166             :         .hostvm_min_page_size_bytes = 4096,
     167             :         .dram_clock_change_latency_us = 404,
     168             :         .dummy_pstate_latency_us = 5,
     169             :         .writeback_dram_clock_change_latency_us = 23.0,
     170             :         .return_bus_width_bytes = 64,
     171             :         .dispclk_dppclk_vco_speed_mhz = 3650,
     172             :         .xfc_bus_transport_time_us = 20,      // ?
     173             :         .xfc_xbuf_latency_tolerance_us = 4,  // ?
     174             :         .use_urgent_burst_bw = 1,            // ?
     175             :         .do_urgent_latency_adjustment = true,
     176             :         .urgent_latency_adjustment_fabric_clock_component_us = 1.0,
     177             :         .urgent_latency_adjustment_fabric_clock_reference_mhz = 1000,
     178             : };
     179             : 
     180             : 
     181           0 : void optc3_fpu_set_vrr_m_const(struct timing_generator *optc,
     182             :                 double vtotal_avg)
     183             : {
     184           0 :         struct optc *optc1 = DCN10TG_FROM_TG(optc);
     185             :         double vtotal_min, vtotal_max;
     186             :         double ratio, modulo, phase;
     187             :         uint32_t vblank_start;
     188           0 :         uint32_t v_total_mask_value = 0;
     189             : 
     190           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     191             : 
     192             :         /* Compute VTOTAL_MIN and VTOTAL_MAX, so that
     193             :          * VOTAL_MAX - VTOTAL_MIN = 1
     194             :          */
     195           0 :         v_total_mask_value = 16;
     196           0 :         vtotal_min = dcn_bw_floor(vtotal_avg);
     197           0 :         vtotal_max = dcn_bw_ceil(vtotal_avg);
     198             : 
     199             :         /* Check that bottom VBLANK is at least 2 lines tall when running with
     200             :          * VTOTAL_MIN. Note that VTOTAL registers are defined as 'total number
     201             :          * of lines in a frame - 1'.
     202             :          */
     203           0 :         REG_GET(OTG_V_BLANK_START_END, OTG_V_BLANK_START,
     204             :                 &vblank_start);
     205           0 :         ASSERT(vtotal_min >= vblank_start + 1);
     206             : 
     207             :         /* Special case where the average frame rate can be achieved
     208             :          * without using the DTO
     209             :          */
     210           0 :         if (vtotal_min == vtotal_max) {
     211           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_V_TOTAL, 0, OTG_V_TOTAL, (uint32_t)vtotal_min);
     212             : 
     213           0 :                 optc->funcs->set_vtotal_min_max(optc, 0, 0);
     214           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_M_CONST_DTO0, 0, OTG_M_CONST_DTO_PHASE, 0);
     215           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_M_CONST_DTO1, 0, OTG_M_CONST_DTO_MODULO, 0);
     216           0 :                 REG_UPDATE_3(OTG_V_TOTAL_CONTROL,
     217             :                         OTG_V_TOTAL_MIN_SEL, 0,
     218             :                         OTG_V_TOTAL_MAX_SEL, 0,
     219             :                         OTG_SET_V_TOTAL_MIN_MASK_EN, 0);
     220           0 :                 return;
     221             :         }
     222             : 
     223           0 :         ratio = vtotal_max - vtotal_avg;
     224           0 :         modulo = 65536.0 * 65536.0 - 1.0; /* 2^32 - 1 */
     225           0 :         phase = ratio * modulo;
     226             : 
     227             :         /* Special cases where the DTO phase gets rounded to 0 or
     228             :          * to DTO modulo
     229             :          */
     230           0 :         if (phase <= 0 || phase >= modulo) {
     231           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_V_TOTAL, 0, OTG_V_TOTAL,
     232             :                         phase <= 0 ?
     233             :                                 (uint32_t)vtotal_max : (uint32_t)vtotal_min);
     234           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_V_TOTAL_MIN, 0, OTG_V_TOTAL_MIN, 0);
     235           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_V_TOTAL_MAX, 0, OTG_V_TOTAL_MAX, 0);
     236           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_M_CONST_DTO0, 0, OTG_M_CONST_DTO_PHASE, 0);
     237           0 :                 REG_SET(OTG_M_CONST_DTO1, 0, OTG_M_CONST_DTO_MODULO, 0);
     238           0 :                 REG_UPDATE_3(OTG_V_TOTAL_CONTROL,
     239             :                         OTG_V_TOTAL_MIN_SEL, 0,
     240             :                         OTG_V_TOTAL_MAX_SEL, 0,
     241             :                         OTG_SET_V_TOTAL_MIN_MASK_EN, 0);
     242           0 :                 return;
     243             :         }
     244           0 :         REG_UPDATE_6(OTG_V_TOTAL_CONTROL,
     245             :                 OTG_V_TOTAL_MIN_SEL, 1,
     246             :                 OTG_V_TOTAL_MAX_SEL, 1,
     247             :                 OTG_SET_V_TOTAL_MIN_MASK_EN, 1,
     248             :                 OTG_SET_V_TOTAL_MIN_MASK, v_total_mask_value,
     249             :                 OTG_VTOTAL_MID_REPLACING_MIN_EN, 0,
     250             :                 OTG_VTOTAL_MID_REPLACING_MAX_EN, 0);
     251           0 :         REG_SET(OTG_V_TOTAL, 0, OTG_V_TOTAL, (uint32_t)vtotal_min);
     252           0 :         optc->funcs->set_vtotal_min_max(optc, vtotal_min, vtotal_max);
     253           0 :         REG_SET(OTG_M_CONST_DTO0, 0, OTG_M_CONST_DTO_PHASE, (uint32_t)phase);
     254           0 :         REG_SET(OTG_M_CONST_DTO1, 0, OTG_M_CONST_DTO_MODULO, (uint32_t)modulo);
     255             : }
     256             : 
     257           0 : void dcn30_fpu_populate_dml_writeback_from_context(
     258             :                 struct dc *dc, struct resource_context *res_ctx, display_e2e_pipe_params_st *pipes)
     259             : {
     260             :         int pipe_cnt, i, j;
     261             :         double max_calc_writeback_dispclk;
     262             :         double writeback_dispclk;
     263             :         struct writeback_st dout_wb;
     264             : 
     265           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     266             : 
     267           0 :         for (i = 0, pipe_cnt = 0; i < dc->res_pool->pipe_count; i++) {
     268           0 :                 struct dc_stream_state *stream = res_ctx->pipe_ctx[i].stream;
     269             : 
     270           0 :                 if (!stream)
     271           0 :                         continue;
     272           0 :                 max_calc_writeback_dispclk = 0;
     273             : 
     274             :                 /* Set writeback information */
     275           0 :                 pipes[pipe_cnt].dout.wb_enable = 0;
     276           0 :                 pipes[pipe_cnt].dout.num_active_wb = 0;
     277           0 :                 for (j = 0; j < stream->num_wb_info; j++) {
     278           0 :                         struct dc_writeback_info *wb_info = &stream->writeback_info[j];
     279             : 
     280           0 :                         if (wb_info->wb_enabled && wb_info->writeback_source_plane &&
     281           0 :                                         (wb_info->writeback_source_plane == res_ctx->pipe_ctx[i].plane_state)) {
     282           0 :                                 pipes[pipe_cnt].dout.wb_enable = 1;
     283           0 :                                 pipes[pipe_cnt].dout.num_active_wb++;
     284           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_src_height = wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_en ?
     285           0 :                                         wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_height :
     286           0 :                                         wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.src_height;
     287           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_src_width = wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_en ?
     288           0 :                                         wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_width :
     289           0 :                                         wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.src_width;
     290           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_dst_width = wb_info->dwb_params.dest_width;
     291           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_dst_height = wb_info->dwb_params.dest_height;
     292             : 
     293             :                                 /* For IP that doesn't support WB scaling, set h/v taps to 1 to avoid DML validation failure */
     294           0 :                                 if (dc->dml.ip.writeback_max_hscl_taps > 1) {
     295           0 :                                         dout_wb.wb_htaps_luma = wb_info->dwb_params.scaler_taps.h_taps;
     296           0 :                                         dout_wb.wb_vtaps_luma = wb_info->dwb_params.scaler_taps.v_taps;
     297             :                                 } else {
     298             :                                         dout_wb.wb_htaps_luma = 1;
     299             :                                         dout_wb.wb_vtaps_luma = 1;
     300             :                                 }
     301           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_htaps_chroma = 0;
     302           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_vtaps_chroma = 0;
     303           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_hratio = wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_en ?
     304           0 :                                         (double)wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_width /
     305           0 :                                                 (double)wb_info->dwb_params.dest_width :
     306           0 :                                         (double)wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.src_width /
     307           0 :                                                 (double)wb_info->dwb_params.dest_width;
     308           0 :                                 dout_wb.wb_vratio = wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_en ?
     309           0 :                                         (double)wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.crop_height /
     310           0 :                                                 (double)wb_info->dwb_params.dest_height :
     311           0 :                                         (double)wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.src_height /
     312           0 :                                                 (double)wb_info->dwb_params.dest_height;
     313           0 :                                 if (wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.fc_out_format == DWB_OUT_FORMAT_64BPP_ARGB ||
     314             :                                         wb_info->dwb_params.cnv_params.fc_out_format == DWB_OUT_FORMAT_64BPP_RGBA)
     315             :                                         dout_wb.wb_pixel_format = dm_444_64;
     316             :                                 else
     317           0 :                                         dout_wb.wb_pixel_format = dm_444_32;
     318             : 
     319             :                                 /* Workaround for cases where multiple writebacks are connected to same plane
     320             :                                  * In which case, need to compute worst case and set the associated writeback parameters
     321             :                                  * This workaround is necessary due to DML computation assuming only 1 set of writeback
     322             :                                  * parameters per pipe
     323             :                                  */
     324           0 :                                 writeback_dispclk = dml30_CalculateWriteBackDISPCLK(
     325             :                                                 dout_wb.wb_pixel_format,
     326             :                                                 pipes[pipe_cnt].pipe.dest.pixel_rate_mhz,
     327             :                                                 dout_wb.wb_hratio,
     328             :                                                 dout_wb.wb_vratio,
     329             :                                                 dout_wb.wb_htaps_luma,
     330             :                                                 dout_wb.wb_vtaps_luma,
     331             :                                                 dout_wb.wb_src_width,
     332             :                                                 dout_wb.wb_dst_width,
     333             :                                                 pipes[pipe_cnt].pipe.dest.htotal,
     334           0 :                                                 dc->current_state->bw_ctx.dml.ip.writeback_line_buffer_buffer_size);
     335             : 
     336           0 :                                 if (writeback_dispclk > max_calc_writeback_dispclk) {
     337           0 :                                         max_calc_writeback_dispclk = writeback_dispclk;
     338           0 :                                         pipes[pipe_cnt].dout.wb = dout_wb;
     339             :                                 }
     340             :                         }
     341             :                 }
     342             : 
     343           0 :                 pipe_cnt++;
     344             :         }
     345           0 : }
     346             : 
     347           0 : void dcn30_fpu_set_mcif_arb_params(struct mcif_arb_params *wb_arb_params,
     348             :         struct display_mode_lib *dml,
     349             :         display_e2e_pipe_params_st *pipes,
     350             :         int pipe_cnt,
     351             :         int cur_pipe)
     352             : {
     353             :         int i;
     354             : 
     355           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     356             : 
     357           0 :         for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(wb_arb_params->cli_watermark); i++) {
     358           0 :                 wb_arb_params->cli_watermark[i] = get_wm_writeback_urgent(dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     359           0 :                 wb_arb_params->pstate_watermark[i] = get_wm_writeback_dram_clock_change(dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     360             :         }
     361             : 
     362           0 :         wb_arb_params->dram_speed_change_duration = dml->vba.WritebackAllowDRAMClockChangeEndPosition[cur_pipe] * pipes[0].clks_cfg.refclk_mhz; /* num_clock_cycles = us * MHz */
     363           0 : }
     364             : 
     365           0 : void dcn30_fpu_update_soc_for_wm_a(struct dc *dc, struct dc_state *context)
     366             : {
     367             : 
     368           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     369             : 
     370           0 :         if (dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].valid) {
     371           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].dml_input.pstate_latency_us;
     372           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     373           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us;
     374             :         }
     375           0 : }
     376             : 
     377           0 : void dcn30_fpu_calculate_wm_and_dlg(
     378             :                 struct dc *dc, struct dc_state *context,
     379             :                 display_e2e_pipe_params_st *pipes,
     380             :                 int pipe_cnt,
     381             :                 int vlevel)
     382             : {
     383           0 :         int maxMpcComb = context->bw_ctx.dml.vba.maxMpcComb;
     384             :         int i, pipe_idx;
     385           0 :         double dcfclk = context->bw_ctx.dml.vba.DCFCLKState[vlevel][maxMpcComb];
     386           0 :         bool pstate_en = context->bw_ctx.dml.vba.DRAMClockChangeSupport[vlevel][maxMpcComb] != dm_dram_clock_change_unsupported;
     387             : 
     388           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     389             : 
     390           0 :         if (context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.min_dcfclk > dcfclk)
     391           0 :                 dcfclk = context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.min_dcfclk;
     392             : 
     393           0 :         pipes[0].clks_cfg.voltage = vlevel;
     394           0 :         pipes[0].clks_cfg.dcfclk_mhz = dcfclk;
     395           0 :         pipes[0].clks_cfg.socclk_mhz = context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.clock_limits[vlevel].socclk_mhz;
     396             : 
     397             :         /* Set B:
     398             :          * DCFCLK: 1GHz or min required above 1GHz
     399             :          * FCLK/UCLK: Max
     400             :          */
     401           0 :         if (dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].valid) {
     402           0 :                 if (vlevel == 0) {
     403           0 :                         pipes[0].clks_cfg.voltage = 1;
     404           0 :                         pipes[0].clks_cfg.dcfclk_mhz = context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.clock_limits[0].dcfclk_mhz;
     405             :                 }
     406           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].dml_input.pstate_latency_us;
     407           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     408           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us;
     409             :         }
     410           0 :         context-> = get_wm_urgent(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     411           0 :         context-> = get_wm_stutter_enter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     412           0 :         context-> = get_wm_stutter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     413           0 :         context-> = get_wm_dram_clock_change(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     414           0 :         context-> = get_wm_memory_trip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     415           0 :         context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     416           0 :         context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth_imm_flip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     417           0 :         context-> = get_urgent_latency(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     418             : 
     419           0 :         pipes[0].clks_cfg.voltage = vlevel;
     420           0 :         pipes[0].clks_cfg.dcfclk_mhz = dcfclk;
     421             : 
     422             :         /* Set D:
     423             :          * DCFCLK: Min Required
     424             :          * FCLK(proportional to UCLK): 1GHz or Max
     425             :          * MALL stutter, sr_enter_exit = 4, sr_exit = 2us
     426             :          */
     427             :         /*
     428             :         if (dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].valid) {
     429             :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].dml_input.pstate_latency_us;
     430             :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     431             :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us;
     432             :         }
     433             :         context-> = get_wm_urgent(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     434             :         context-> = get_wm_stutter_enter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     435             :         context-> = get_wm_stutter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     436             :         context-> = get_wm_dram_clock_change(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     437             :         context-> = get_wm_memory_trip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     438             :         context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     439             :         context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth_imm_flip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     440             :         context-> = get_urgent_latency(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     441             :         */
     442             : 
     443             :         /* Set C:
     444             :          * DCFCLK: Min Required
     445             :          * FCLK(proportional to UCLK): 1GHz or Max
     446             :          * pstate latency overridden to 5us
     447             :          */
     448           0 :         if (dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].valid) {
     449           0 :                 unsigned int min_dram_speed_mts = context->bw_ctx.dml.vba.DRAMSpeed;
     450           0 :                 unsigned int min_dram_speed_mts_margin = 160;
     451             : 
     452           0 :                 if (context->bw_ctx.dml.vba.DRAMClockChangeSupport[vlevel][context->bw_ctx.dml.vba.maxMpcComb] == dm_dram_clock_change_unsupported)
     453           0 :                         min_dram_speed_mts = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->clk_table.entries[dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->clk_table.num_entries - 1].memclk_mhz * 16;
     454             : 
     455             :                 /* find largest table entry that is lower than dram speed, but lower than DPM0 still uses DPM0 */
     456           0 :                 for (i = 3; i > 0; i--)
     457           0 :                         if (min_dram_speed_mts + min_dram_speed_mts_margin > dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[i].dram_speed_mts)
     458             :                                 break;
     459             : 
     460           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[i].dummy_pstate_latency_us;
     461             : 
     462           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     463           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.sr_exit_time_us = dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us;
     464             :         }
     465             : 
     466           0 :         context-> = get_wm_urgent(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     467           0 :         context-> = get_wm_stutter_enter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     468           0 :         context-> = get_wm_stutter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     469           0 :         context-> = get_wm_dram_clock_change(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     470           0 :         context-> = get_wm_memory_trip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     471           0 :         context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     472           0 :         context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth_imm_flip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     473           0 :         context-> = get_urgent_latency(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     474             : 
     475           0 :         if (!pstate_en) {
     476             :                 /* The only difference between A and C is p-state latency, if p-state is not supported we want to
     477             :                  * calculate DLG based on dummy p-state latency, and max out the set A p-state watermark
     478             :                  */
     479           0 :                 context-> = context->;
     480           0 :                 context-> = 0;
     481             :         } else {
     482             :                 /* Set A:
     483             :                  * DCFCLK: Min Required
     484             :                  * FCLK(proportional to UCLK): 1GHz or Max
     485             :                  *
     486             :                  * Set A calculated last so that following calculations are based on Set A
     487             :                  */
     488           0 :                 dc->res_pool->funcs->update_soc_for_wm_a(dc, context);
     489           0 :                 context-> = get_wm_urgent(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     490           0 :                 context-> = get_wm_stutter_enter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     491           0 :                 context-> = get_wm_stutter_exit(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     492           0 :                 context-> = get_wm_dram_clock_change(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     493           0 :                 context-> = get_wm_memory_trip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     494           0 :                 context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     495           0 :                 context-> = get_fraction_of_urgent_bandwidth_imm_flip(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     496           0 :                 context-> = get_urgent_latency(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt) * 1000;
     497             :         }
     498             : 
     499           0 :         context->perf_params.stutter_period_us = context->bw_ctx.dml.vba.StutterPeriod;
     500             : 
     501             :         /* Make set D = set A until set D is enabled */
     502           0 :         context-> = context->;
     503             : 
     504           0 :         for (i = 0, pipe_idx = 0; i < dc->res_pool->pipe_count; i++) {
     505           0 :                 if (!context->res_ctx.pipe_ctx[i].stream)
     506           0 :                         continue;
     507             : 
     508           0 :                 pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dispclk_mhz = get_dispclk_calculated(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt);
     509           0 :                 pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dppclk_mhz = get_dppclk_calculated(&context->bw_ctx.dml, pipes, pipe_cnt, pipe_idx);
     510             : 
     511           0 :                 if (dc->config.forced_clocks) {
     512           0 :                         pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dispclk_mhz = context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.clock_limits[0].dispclk_mhz;
     513           0 :                         pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dppclk_mhz = context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.clock_limits[0].dppclk_mhz;
     514             :                 }
     515           0 :                 if (dc->debug.min_disp_clk_khz > pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dispclk_mhz * 1000)
     516           0 :                         pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dispclk_mhz = dc->debug.min_disp_clk_khz / 1000.0;
     517           0 :                 if (dc->debug.min_dpp_clk_khz > pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dppclk_mhz * 1000)
     518           0 :                         pipes[pipe_idx].clks_cfg.dppclk_mhz = dc->debug.min_dpp_clk_khz / 1000.0;
     519             : 
     520           0 :                 pipe_idx++;
     521             :         }
     522             : 
     523           0 :         DC_FP_START();
     524           0 :         dcn20_calculate_dlg_params(dc, context, pipes, pipe_cnt, vlevel);
     525           0 :         DC_FP_END();
     526             : 
     527           0 :         if (!pstate_en)
     528             :                 /* Restore full p-state latency */
     529           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us =
     530           0 :                                 dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].dml_input.pstate_latency_us;
     531             : 
     532           0 :         if (context->
     533           0 :                 dcn30_setup_mclk_switch_using_fw_based_vblank_stretch(dc, context);
     534           0 : }
     535             : 
     536           0 : void dcn30_fpu_update_dram_channel_width_bytes(struct dc *dc)
     537             : {
     538           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     539             : 
     540           0 :         if (dc->ctx->dc_bios->vram_info.dram_channel_width_bytes)
     541           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.dram_channel_width_bytes = dc->ctx->dc_bios->vram_info.dram_channel_width_bytes;
     542           0 : }
     543             : 
     544           0 : void dcn30_fpu_update_max_clk(struct dc_bounding_box_max_clk *dcn30_bb_max_clk)
     545             : {
     546           0 :                 dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     547             : 
     548           0 :                 if (!dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dcfclk_mhz)
     549           0 :                         dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dcfclk_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].dcfclk_mhz;
     550           0 :                 if (!dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dispclk_mhz)
     551           0 :                         dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dispclk_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].dispclk_mhz;
     552           0 :                 if (!dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dppclk_mhz)
     553           0 :                         dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dppclk_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].dppclk_mhz;
     554           0 :                 if (!dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_phyclk_mhz)
     555           0 :                         dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_phyclk_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].phyclk_mhz;
     556           0 : }
     557             : 
     558           0 : void dcn30_fpu_get_optimal_dcfclk_fclk_for_uclk(unsigned int uclk_mts,
     559             :                 unsigned int *optimal_dcfclk,
     560             :                 unsigned int *optimal_fclk)
     561             : {
     562             :         double bw_from_dram, bw_from_dram1, bw_from_dram2;
     563             : 
     564           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     565             : 
     566           0 :         bw_from_dram1 = uclk_mts * dcn3_0_soc.num_chans *
     567           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.dram_channel_width_bytes * (dcn3_0_soc.max_avg_dram_bw_use_normal_percent / 100);
     568           0 :         bw_from_dram2 = uclk_mts * dcn3_0_soc.num_chans *
     569           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.dram_channel_width_bytes * (dcn3_0_soc.max_avg_sdp_bw_use_normal_percent / 100);
     570             : 
     571           0 :         bw_from_dram = (bw_from_dram1 < bw_from_dram2) ? bw_from_dram1 : bw_from_dram2;
     572             : 
     573           0 :         if (optimal_fclk)
     574           0 :                 *optimal_fclk = bw_from_dram /
     575           0 :                 (dcn3_0_soc.fabric_datapath_to_dcn_data_return_bytes * (dcn3_0_soc.max_avg_sdp_bw_use_normal_percent / 100));
     576             : 
     577           0 :         if (optimal_dcfclk)
     578           0 :                 *optimal_dcfclk =  bw_from_dram /
     579           0 :                 (dcn3_0_soc.return_bus_width_bytes * (dcn3_0_soc.max_avg_sdp_bw_use_normal_percent / 100));
     580           0 : }
     581             : 
     582           0 : void dcn30_fpu_update_bw_bounding_box(struct dc *dc,
     583             :         struct clk_bw_params *bw_params,
     584             :         struct dc_bounding_box_max_clk *dcn30_bb_max_clk,
     585             :         unsigned int *dcfclk_mhz,
     586             :         unsigned int *dram_speed_mts)
     587             : {
     588             :         unsigned int i;
     589             : 
     590           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     591             : 
     592           0 :         dcn3_0_soc.dispclk_dppclk_vco_speed_mhz = dc->clk_mgr->dentist_vco_freq_khz / 1000.0;
     593           0 :         dc->dml.soc.dispclk_dppclk_vco_speed_mhz = dc->clk_mgr->dentist_vco_freq_khz / 1000.0;
     594             : 
     595           0 :         for (i = 0; i < dcn3_0_soc.num_states; i++) {
     596           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].state = i;
     597           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].dcfclk_mhz = dcfclk_mhz[i];
     598           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].fabricclk_mhz = dcfclk_mhz[i];
     599           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].dram_speed_mts = dram_speed_mts[i];
     600             : 
     601             :                 /* Fill all states with max values of all other clocks */
     602           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].dispclk_mhz = dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dispclk_mhz;
     603           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].dppclk_mhz  = dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_dppclk_mhz;
     604           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].phyclk_mhz  = dcn30_bb_max_clk->max_phyclk_mhz;
     605           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].dtbclk_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].dtbclk_mhz;
     606             :                 /* These clocks cannot come from bw_params, always fill from dcn3_0_soc[1] */
     607             :                 /* FCLK, PHYCLK_D18, SOCCLK, DSCCLK */
     608           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].phyclk_d18_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].phyclk_d18_mhz;
     609           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].socclk_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].socclk_mhz;
     610           0 :                 dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[i].dscclk_mhz = dcn3_0_soc.clock_limits[0].dscclk_mhz;
     611             :         }
     612             :         /* re-init DML with updated bb */
     613           0 :         dml_init_instance(&dc->dml, &dcn3_0_soc, &dcn3_0_ip, DML_PROJECT_DCN30);
     614           0 :         if (dc->current_state)
     615           0 :                 dml_init_instance(&dc->current_state->bw_ctx.dml, &dcn3_0_soc, &dcn3_0_ip, DML_PROJECT_DCN30);
     616             : 
     617           0 : }
     618             : 
     619             : /**
     620             :  * Finds dummy_latency_index when MCLK switching using firmware based
     621             :  * vblank stretch is enabled. This function will iterate through the
     622             :  * table of dummy pstate latencies until the lowest value that allows
     623             :  * dm_allow_self_refresh_and_mclk_switch to happen is found
     624             :  */
     625           0 : int dcn30_find_dummy_latency_index_for_fw_based_mclk_switch(struct dc *dc,
     626             :                                                             struct dc_state *context,
     627             :                                                             display_e2e_pipe_params_st *pipes,
     628             :                                                             int pipe_cnt,
     629             :                                                             int vlevel)
     630             : {
     631           0 :         const int max_latency_table_entries = 4;
     632           0 :         int dummy_latency_index = 0;
     633             : 
     634           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     635             : 
     636           0 :         while (dummy_latency_index < max_latency_table_entries) {
     637           0 :                 context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us =
     638           0 :                                 dc->clk_mgr->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[dummy_latency_index].dummy_pstate_latency_us;
     639           0 :                 dcn30_internal_validate_bw(dc, context, pipes, &pipe_cnt, &vlevel, false);
     640             : 
     641           0 :                 if (context->bw_ctx.dml.soc.allow_dram_self_refresh_or_dram_clock_change_in_vblank ==
     642             :                         dm_allow_self_refresh_and_mclk_switch)
     643             :                         break;
     644             : 
     645           0 :                 dummy_latency_index++;
     646             :         }
     647             : 
     648           0 :         if (dummy_latency_index == max_latency_table_entries) {
     649           0 :                 ASSERT(dummy_latency_index != max_latency_table_entries);
     650             :                 /* If the execution gets here, it means dummy p_states are
     651             :                  * not possible. This should never happen and would mean
     652             :                  * something is severely wrong.
     653             :                  * Here we reset dummy_latency_index to 3, because it is
     654             :                  * better to have underflows than system crashes.
     655             :                  */
     656             :                 dummy_latency_index = 3;
     657             :         }
     658             : 
     659           0 :         return dummy_latency_index;
     660             : }
     661             : 
     662           0 : void dcn3_fpu_build_wm_range_table(struct clk_mgr *base)
     663             : {
     664             :         /* defaults */
     665           0 :         double pstate_latency_us = base->ctx->dc->dml.soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us;
     666           0 :         double sr_exit_time_us = base->ctx->dc->dml.soc.sr_exit_time_us;
     667           0 :         double sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = base->ctx->dc->dml.soc.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     668           0 :         uint16_t min_uclk_mhz = base->bw_params->clk_table.entries[0].memclk_mhz;
     669             : 
     670           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     671             : 
     672             :         /* Set A - Normal - default values*/
     673           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].valid = true;
     674           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].dml_input.pstate_latency_us = pstate_latency_us;
     675           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us = sr_exit_time_us;
     676           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     677           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].pmfw_breakdown.wm_type = WATERMARKS_CLOCK_RANGE;
     678           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].pmfw_breakdown.min_dcfclk = 0;
     679           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].pmfw_breakdown.max_dcfclk = 0xFFFF;
     680           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].pmfw_breakdown.min_uclk = min_uclk_mhz;
     681           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_A].pmfw_breakdown.max_uclk = 0xFFFF;
     682             : 
     683             :         /* Set B - Performance - higher minimum clocks */
     684             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].valid = true;
     685             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].dml_input.pstate_latency_us = pstate_latency_us;
     686             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us = sr_exit_time_us;
     687             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     688             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].pmfw_breakdown.wm_type = WATERMARKS_CLOCK_RANGE;
     689             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].pmfw_breakdown.min_dcfclk = TUNED VALUE;
     690             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].pmfw_breakdown.max_dcfclk = 0xFFFF;
     691             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].pmfw_breakdown.min_uclk = TUNED VALUE;
     692             : //      base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_B].pmfw_breakdown.max_uclk = 0xFFFF;
     693             : 
     694             :         /* Set C - Dummy P-State - P-State latency set to "dummy p-state" value */
     695           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].valid = true;
     696           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].dml_input.pstate_latency_us = 0;
     697           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us = sr_exit_time_us;
     698           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us;
     699           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].pmfw_breakdown.wm_type = WATERMARKS_DUMMY_PSTATE;
     700           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].pmfw_breakdown.min_dcfclk = 0;
     701           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].pmfw_breakdown.max_dcfclk = 0xFFFF;
     702           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].pmfw_breakdown.min_uclk = min_uclk_mhz;
     703           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_C].pmfw_breakdown.max_uclk = 0xFFFF;
     704           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[0].dram_speed_mts = 1600;
     705           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[0].dummy_pstate_latency_us = 38;
     706           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[1].dram_speed_mts = 8000;
     707           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[1].dummy_pstate_latency_us = 9;
     708           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[2].dram_speed_mts = 10000;
     709           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[2].dummy_pstate_latency_us = 8;
     710           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[3].dram_speed_mts = 16000;
     711           0 :         base->bw_params->dummy_pstate_table[3].dummy_pstate_latency_us = 5;
     712             : 
     713             :         /* Set D - MALL - SR enter and exit times adjusted for MALL */
     714           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].valid = true;
     715           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].dml_input.pstate_latency_us = pstate_latency_us;
     716           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].dml_input.sr_exit_time_us = 2;
     717           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].dml_input.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = 4;
     718           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].pmfw_breakdown.wm_type = WATERMARKS_MALL;
     719           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].pmfw_breakdown.min_dcfclk = 0;
     720           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].pmfw_breakdown.max_dcfclk = 0xFFFF;
     721           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].pmfw_breakdown.min_uclk = min_uclk_mhz;
     722           0 :         base->bw_params->wm_table.nv_entries[WM_D].pmfw_breakdown.max_uclk = 0xFFFF;
     723           0 : }
     724             : 
     725           0 : void patch_dcn30_soc_bounding_box(struct dc *dc, struct _vcs_dpi_soc_bounding_box_st *dcn3_0_ip)
     726             : {
     727           0 :         dc_assert_fp_enabled();
     728             : 
     729           0 :         if (dc->ctx->dc_bios->funcs->get_soc_bb_info) {
     730           0 :                 struct bp_soc_bb_info bb_info = {0};
     731             : 
     732           0 :                 if (dc->ctx->dc_bios->funcs->get_soc_bb_info(dc->ctx->dc_bios, &bb_info) == BP_RESULT_OK) {
     733           0 :                         if (bb_info.dram_clock_change_latency_100ns > 0)
     734           0 :                                 dcn3_0_soc.dram_clock_change_latency_us = bb_info.dram_clock_change_latency_100ns * 10;
     735             : 
     736           0 :                         if (bb_info.dram_sr_enter_exit_latency_100ns > 0)
     737           0 :                                 dcn3_0_soc.sr_enter_plus_exit_time_us = bb_info.dram_sr_enter_exit_latency_100ns * 10;
     738             : 
     739           0 :                         if (bb_info.dram_sr_exit_latency_100ns > 0)
     740           0 :                                 dcn3_0_soc.sr_exit_time_us = bb_info.dram_sr_exit_latency_100ns * 10;
     741             :                 }
     742             :         }
     743           0 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14