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Current view: top level - include/linux - hrtimer.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2022-12-09 01:23:36 Functions: 0 1 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
       2             : /*
       3             :  *  hrtimers - High-resolution kernel timers
       4             :  *
       5             :  *   Copyright(C) 2005, Thomas Gleixner <>
       6             :  *   Copyright(C) 2005, Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar
       7             :  *
       8             :  *  data type definitions, declarations, prototypes
       9             :  *
      10             :  *  Started by: Thomas Gleixner and Ingo Molnar
      11             :  */
      12             : #ifndef _LINUX_HRTIMER_H
      13             : #define _LINUX_HRTIMER_H
      14             : 
      15             : #include <linux/hrtimer_defs.h>
      16             : #include <linux/rbtree.h>
      17             : #include <linux/init.h>
      18             : #include <linux/list.h>
      19             : #include <linux/percpu.h>
      20             : #include <linux/seqlock.h>
      21             : #include <linux/timer.h>
      22             : #include <linux/timerqueue.h>
      23             : 
      24             : struct hrtimer_clock_base;
      25             : struct hrtimer_cpu_base;
      26             : 
      27             : /*
      28             :  * Mode arguments of xxx_hrtimer functions:
      29             :  *
      30             :  * HRTIMER_MODE_ABS             - Time value is absolute
      31             :  * HRTIMER_MODE_REL             - Time value is relative to now
      32             :  * HRTIMER_MODE_PINNED          - Timer is bound to CPU (is only considered
      33             :  *                                when starting the timer)
      34             :  * HRTIMER_MODE_SOFT            - Timer callback function will be executed in
      35             :  *                                soft irq context
      36             :  * HRTIMER_MODE_HARD            - Timer callback function will be executed in
      37             :  *                                hard irq context even on PREEMPT_RT.
      38             :  */
      39             : enum hrtimer_mode {
      40             :         HRTIMER_MODE_ABS        = 0x00,
      41             :         HRTIMER_MODE_REL        = 0x01,
      42             :         HRTIMER_MODE_PINNED     = 0x02,
      43             :         HRTIMER_MODE_SOFT       = 0x04,
      44             :         HRTIMER_MODE_HARD       = 0x08,
      45             : 
      48             : 
      49             :         HRTIMER_MODE_ABS_SOFT   = HRTIMER_MODE_ABS | HRTIMER_MODE_SOFT,
      50             :         HRTIMER_MODE_REL_SOFT   = HRTIMER_MODE_REL | HRTIMER_MODE_SOFT,
      51             : 
      54             : 
      55             :         HRTIMER_MODE_ABS_HARD   = HRTIMER_MODE_ABS | HRTIMER_MODE_HARD,
      56             :         HRTIMER_MODE_REL_HARD   = HRTIMER_MODE_REL | HRTIMER_MODE_HARD,
      57             : 
      60             : };
      61             : 
      62             : /*
      63             :  * Return values for the callback function
      64             :  */
      65             : enum hrtimer_restart {
      66             :         HRTIMER_NORESTART,      /* Timer is not restarted */
      67             :         HRTIMER_RESTART,        /* Timer must be restarted */
      68             : };
      69             : 
      70             : /*
      71             :  * Values to track state of the timer
      72             :  *
      73             :  * Possible states:
      74             :  *
      75             :  * 0x00         inactive
      76             :  * 0x01         enqueued into rbtree
      77             :  *
      78             :  * The callback state is not part of the timer->state because clearing it would
      79             :  * mean touching the timer after the callback, this makes it impossible to free
      80             :  * the timer from the callback function.
      81             :  *
      82             :  * Therefore we track the callback state in:
      83             :  *
      84             :  *      timer->base->cpu_base->running == timer
      85             :  *
      86             :  * On SMP it is possible to have a "callback function running and enqueued"
      87             :  * status. It happens for example when a posix timer expired and the callback
      88             :  * queued a signal. Between dropping the lock which protects the posix timer
      89             :  * and reacquiring the base lock of the hrtimer, another CPU can deliver the
      90             :  * signal and rearm the timer.
      91             :  *
      92             :  * All state transitions are protected by cpu_base->lock.
      93             :  */
      94             : #define HRTIMER_STATE_INACTIVE  0x00
      95             : #define HRTIMER_STATE_ENQUEUED  0x01
      96             : 
      97             : /**
      98             :  * struct hrtimer - the basic hrtimer structure
      99             :  * @node:       timerqueue node, which also manages node.expires,
     100             :  *              the absolute expiry time in the hrtimers internal
     101             :  *              representation. The time is related to the clock on
     102             :  *              which the timer is based. Is setup by adding
     103             :  *              slack to the _softexpires value. For non range timers
     104             :  *              identical to _softexpires.
     105             :  * @_softexpires: the absolute earliest expiry time of the hrtimer.
     106             :  *              The time which was given as expiry time when the timer
     107             :  *              was armed.
     108             :  * @function:   timer expiry callback function
     109             :  * @base:       pointer to the timer base (per cpu and per clock)
     110             :  * @state:      state information (See bit values above)
     111             :  * @is_rel:     Set if the timer was armed relative
     112             :  * @is_soft:    Set if hrtimer will be expired in soft interrupt context.
     113             :  * @is_hard:    Set if hrtimer will be expired in hard interrupt context
     114             :  *              even on RT.
     115             :  *
     116             :  * The hrtimer structure must be initialized by hrtimer_init()
     117             :  */
     118             : struct hrtimer {
     119             :         struct timerqueue_node          node;
     120             :         ktime_t                         _softexpires;
     121             :         enum hrtimer_restart            (*function)(struct hrtimer *);
     122             :         struct hrtimer_clock_base       *base;
     123             :         u8                              state;
     124             :         u8                              is_rel;
     125             :         u8                              is_soft;
     126             :         u8                              is_hard;
     127             : };
     128             : 
     129             : /**
     130             :  * struct hrtimer_sleeper - simple sleeper structure
     131             :  * @timer:      embedded timer structure
     132             :  * @task:       task to wake up
     133             :  *
     134             :  * task is set to NULL, when the timer expires.
     135             :  */
     136             : struct hrtimer_sleeper {
     137             :         struct hrtimer timer;
     138             :         struct task_struct *task;
     139             : };
     140             : 
     141             : #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
     142             : # define __hrtimer_clock_base_align     ____cacheline_aligned
     143             : #else
     144             : # define __hrtimer_clock_base_align
     145             : #endif
     146             : 
     147             : /**
     148             :  * struct hrtimer_clock_base - the timer base for a specific clock
     149             :  * @cpu_base:           per cpu clock base
     150             :  * @index:              clock type index for per_cpu support when moving a
     151             :  *                      timer to a base on another cpu.
     152             :  * @clockid:            clock id for per_cpu support
     153             :  * @seq:                seqcount around __run_hrtimer
     154             :  * @running:            pointer to the currently running hrtimer
     155             :  * @active:             red black tree root node for the active timers
     156             :  * @get_time:           function to retrieve the current time of the clock
     157             :  * @offset:             offset of this clock to the monotonic base
     158             :  */
     159             : struct hrtimer_clock_base {
     160             :         struct hrtimer_cpu_base *cpu_base;
     161             :         unsigned int            index;
     162             :         clockid_t               clockid;
     163             :         seqcount_raw_spinlock_t seq;
     164             :         struct hrtimer          *running;
     165             :         struct timerqueue_head  active;
     166             :         ktime_t                 (*get_time)(void);
     167             :         ktime_t                 offset;
     168             : } __hrtimer_clock_base_align;
     169             : 
     170             : enum  hrtimer_base_type {
     171             :         HRTIMER_BASE_MONOTONIC,
     172             :         HRTIMER_BASE_REALTIME,
     173             :         HRTIMER_BASE_BOOTTIME,
     174             :         HRTIMER_BASE_TAI,
     175             :         HRTIMER_BASE_MONOTONIC_SOFT,
     176             :         HRTIMER_BASE_REALTIME_SOFT,
     177             :         HRTIMER_BASE_BOOTTIME_SOFT,
     178             :         HRTIMER_BASE_TAI_SOFT,
     179             :         HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES,
     180             : };
     181             : 
     182             : /**
     183             :  * struct hrtimer_cpu_base - the per cpu clock bases
     184             :  * @lock:               lock protecting the base and associated clock bases
     185             :  *                      and timers
     186             :  * @cpu:                cpu number
     187             :  * @active_bases:       Bitfield to mark bases with active timers
     188             :  * @clock_was_set_seq:  Sequence counter of clock was set events
     189             :  * @hres_active:        State of high resolution mode
     190             :  * @in_hrtirq:          hrtimer_interrupt() is currently executing
     191             :  * @hang_detected:      The last hrtimer interrupt detected a hang
     192             :  * @softirq_activated:  displays, if the softirq is raised - update of softirq
     193             :  *                      related settings is not required then.
     194             :  * @nr_events:          Total number of hrtimer interrupt events
     195             :  * @nr_retries:         Total number of hrtimer interrupt retries
     196             :  * @nr_hangs:           Total number of hrtimer interrupt hangs
     197             :  * @max_hang_time:      Maximum time spent in hrtimer_interrupt
     198             :  * @softirq_expiry_lock: Lock which is taken while softirq based hrtimer are
     199             :  *                       expired
     200             :  * @timer_waiters:      A hrtimer_cancel() invocation waits for the timer
     201             :  *                      callback to finish.
     202             :  * @expires_next:       absolute time of the next event, is required for remote
     203             :  *                      hrtimer enqueue; it is the total first expiry time (hard
     204             :  *                      and soft hrtimer are taken into account)
     205             :  * @next_timer:         Pointer to the first expiring timer
     206             :  * @softirq_expires_next: Time to check, if soft queues needs also to be expired
     207             :  * @softirq_next_timer: Pointer to the first expiring softirq based timer
     208             :  * @clock_base:         array of clock bases for this cpu
     209             :  *
     210             :  * Note: next_timer is just an optimization for __remove_hrtimer().
     211             :  *       Do not dereference the pointer because it is not reliable on
     212             :  *       cross cpu removals.
     213             :  */
     214             : struct hrtimer_cpu_base {
     215             :         raw_spinlock_t                  lock;
     216             :         unsigned int                    cpu;
     217             :         unsigned int                    active_bases;
     218             :         unsigned int                    clock_was_set_seq;
     219             :         unsigned int                    hres_active             : 1,
     220             :                                         in_hrtirq               : 1,
     221             :                                         hang_detected           : 1,
     222             :                                         softirq_activated       : 1;
     223             : #ifdef CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS
     224             :         unsigned int                    nr_events;
     225             :         unsigned short                  nr_retries;
     226             :         unsigned short                  nr_hangs;
     227             :         unsigned int                    max_hang_time;
     228             : #endif
     229             : #ifdef CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT
     230             :         spinlock_t                      softirq_expiry_lock;
     231             :         atomic_t                        timer_waiters;
     232             : #endif
     233             :         ktime_t                         expires_next;
     234             :         struct hrtimer                  *next_timer;
     235             :         ktime_t                         softirq_expires_next;
     236             :         struct hrtimer                  *softirq_next_timer;
     237             :         struct hrtimer_clock_base       clock_base[HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES];
     238             : } ____cacheline_aligned;
     239             : 
     240             : static inline void hrtimer_set_expires(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t time)
     241             : {
     242           0 :         timer->node.expires = time;
     243           0 :         timer->_softexpires = time;
     244             : }
     245             : 
     246             : static inline void hrtimer_set_expires_range(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t time, ktime_t delta)
     247             : {
     248             :         timer->_softexpires = time;
     249             :         timer->node.expires = ktime_add_safe(time, delta);
     250             : }
     251             : 
     252             : static inline void hrtimer_set_expires_range_ns(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t time, u64 delta)
     253             : {
     254           0 :         timer->_softexpires = time;
     255           0 :         timer->node.expires = ktime_add_safe(time, ns_to_ktime(delta));
     256             : }
     257             : 
     258             : static inline void hrtimer_set_expires_tv64(struct hrtimer *timer, s64 tv64)
     259             : {
     260           0 :         timer->node.expires = tv64;
     261           0 :         timer->_softexpires = tv64;
     262             : }
     263             : 
     264             : static inline void hrtimer_add_expires(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t time)
     265             : {
     266           0 :         timer->node.expires = ktime_add_safe(timer->node.expires, time);
     267           0 :         timer->_softexpires = ktime_add_safe(timer->_softexpires, time);
     268             : }
     269             : 
     270             : static inline void hrtimer_add_expires_ns(struct hrtimer *timer, u64 ns)
     271             : {
     272           0 :         timer->node.expires = ktime_add_ns(timer->node.expires, ns);
     273           0 :         timer->_softexpires = ktime_add_ns(timer->_softexpires, ns);
     274             : }
     275             : 
     276             : static inline ktime_t hrtimer_get_expires(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     277             : {
     278             :         return timer->node.expires;
     279             : }
     280             : 
     281             : static inline ktime_t hrtimer_get_softexpires(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     282             : {
     283             :         return timer->_softexpires;
     284             : }
     285             : 
     286             : static inline s64 hrtimer_get_expires_tv64(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     287             : {
     288             :         return timer->node.expires;
     289             : }
     290             : static inline s64 hrtimer_get_softexpires_tv64(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     291             : {
     292             :         return timer->_softexpires;
     293             : }
     294             : 
     295             : static inline s64 hrtimer_get_expires_ns(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     296             : {
     297             :         return ktime_to_ns(timer->node.expires);
     298             : }
     299             : 
     300             : static inline ktime_t hrtimer_expires_remaining(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     301             : {
     302           0 :         return ktime_sub(timer->node.expires, timer->base->get_time());
     303             : }
     304             : 
     305             : static inline ktime_t hrtimer_cb_get_time(struct hrtimer *timer)
     306             : {
     307           0 :         return timer->base->get_time();
     308             : }
     309             : 
     310             : static inline int hrtimer_is_hres_active(struct hrtimer *timer)
     311             : {
     312             :         return IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS) ?
     313             :                 timer->base->cpu_base->hres_active : 0;
     314             : }
     315             : 
     316             : #ifdef CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS
     317             : struct clock_event_device;
     318             : 
     319             : extern void hrtimer_interrupt(struct clock_event_device *dev);
     320             : 
     321             : extern unsigned int hrtimer_resolution;
     322             : 
     323             : #else
     324             : 
     325             : #define hrtimer_resolution      (unsigned int)LOW_RES_NSEC
     326             : 
     327             : #endif
     328             : 
     329             : static inline ktime_t
     330             : __hrtimer_expires_remaining_adjusted(const struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t now)
     331             : {
     332           0 :         ktime_t rem = ktime_sub(timer->node.expires, now);
     333             : 
     334             :         /*
     335             :          * Adjust relative timers for the extra we added in
     336             :          * hrtimer_start_range_ns() to prevent short timeouts.
     337             :          */
     338             :         if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_TIME_LOW_RES) && timer->is_rel)
     339             :                 rem -= hrtimer_resolution;
     340             :         return rem;
     341             : }
     342             : 
     343             : static inline ktime_t
     344             : hrtimer_expires_remaining_adjusted(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     345             : {
     346           0 :         return __hrtimer_expires_remaining_adjusted(timer,
     347           0 :                                                     timer->base->get_time());
     348             : }
     349             : 
     350             : #ifdef CONFIG_TIMERFD
     351             : extern void timerfd_clock_was_set(void);
     352             : extern void timerfd_resume(void);
     353             : #else
     354             : static inline void timerfd_clock_was_set(void) { }
     355             : static inline void timerfd_resume(void) { }
     356             : #endif
     357             : 
     358             : DECLARE_PER_CPU(struct tick_device, tick_cpu_device);
     359             : 
     360             : #ifdef CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT
     361             : void hrtimer_cancel_wait_running(const struct hrtimer *timer);
     362             : #else
     363             : static inline void hrtimer_cancel_wait_running(struct hrtimer *timer)
     364             : {
     365             :         cpu_relax();
     366             : }
     367             : #endif
     368             : 
     369             : /* Exported timer functions: */
     370             : 
     371             : /* Initialize timers: */
     372             : extern void hrtimer_init(struct hrtimer *timer, clockid_t which_clock,
     373             :                          enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     374             : extern void hrtimer_init_sleeper(struct hrtimer_sleeper *sl, clockid_t clock_id,
     375             :                                  enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     376             : 
     377             : #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_OBJECTS_TIMERS
     378             : extern void hrtimer_init_on_stack(struct hrtimer *timer, clockid_t which_clock,
     379             :                                   enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     380             : extern void hrtimer_init_sleeper_on_stack(struct hrtimer_sleeper *sl,
     381             :                                           clockid_t clock_id,
     382             :                                           enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     383             : 
     384             : extern void destroy_hrtimer_on_stack(struct hrtimer *timer);
     385             : #else
     386             : static inline void hrtimer_init_on_stack(struct hrtimer *timer,
     387             :                                          clockid_t which_clock,
     388             :                                          enum hrtimer_mode mode)
     389             : {
     390           0 :         hrtimer_init(timer, which_clock, mode);
     391             : }
     392             : 
     393             : static inline void hrtimer_init_sleeper_on_stack(struct hrtimer_sleeper *sl,
     394             :                                                  clockid_t clock_id,
     395             :                                                  enum hrtimer_mode mode)
     396             : {
     397           0 :         hrtimer_init_sleeper(sl, clock_id, mode);
     398             : }
     399             : 
     400             : static inline void destroy_hrtimer_on_stack(struct hrtimer *timer) { }
     401             : #endif
     402             : 
     403             : /* Basic timer operations: */
     404             : extern void hrtimer_start_range_ns(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t tim,
     405             :                                    u64 range_ns, const enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     406             : 
     407             : /**
     408             :  * hrtimer_start - (re)start an hrtimer
     409             :  * @timer:      the timer to be added
     410             :  * @tim:        expiry time
     411             :  * @mode:       timer mode: absolute (HRTIMER_MODE_ABS) or
     412             :  *              relative (HRTIMER_MODE_REL), and pinned (HRTIMER_MODE_PINNED);
     413             :  *              softirq based mode is considered for debug purpose only!
     414             :  */
     415             : static inline void hrtimer_start(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t tim,
     416             :                                  const enum hrtimer_mode mode)
     417             : {
     418           0 :         hrtimer_start_range_ns(timer, tim, 0, mode);
     419             : }
     420             : 
     421             : extern int hrtimer_cancel(struct hrtimer *timer);
     422             : extern int hrtimer_try_to_cancel(struct hrtimer *timer);
     423             : 
     424             : static inline void hrtimer_start_expires(struct hrtimer *timer,
     425             :                                          enum hrtimer_mode mode)
     426             : {
     427             :         u64 delta;
     428             :         ktime_t soft, hard;
     429           0 :         soft = hrtimer_get_softexpires(timer);
     430           0 :         hard = hrtimer_get_expires(timer);
     431           0 :         delta = ktime_to_ns(ktime_sub(hard, soft));
     432           0 :         hrtimer_start_range_ns(timer, soft, delta, mode);
     433             : }
     434             : 
     435             : void hrtimer_sleeper_start_expires(struct hrtimer_sleeper *sl,
     436             :                                    enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     437             : 
     438             : static inline void hrtimer_restart(struct hrtimer *timer)
     439             : {
     440           0 :         hrtimer_start_expires(timer, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
     441             : }
     442             : 
     443             : /* Query timers: */
     444             : extern ktime_t __hrtimer_get_remaining(const struct hrtimer *timer, bool adjust);
     445             : 
     446             : /**
     447             :  * hrtimer_get_remaining - get remaining time for the timer
     448             :  * @timer:      the timer to read
     449             :  */
     450             : static inline ktime_t hrtimer_get_remaining(const struct hrtimer *timer)
     451             : {
     452             :         return __hrtimer_get_remaining(timer, false);
     453             : }
     454             : 
     455             : extern u64 hrtimer_get_next_event(void);
     456             : extern u64 hrtimer_next_event_without(const struct hrtimer *exclude);
     457             : 
     458             : extern bool hrtimer_active(const struct hrtimer *timer);
     459             : 
     460             : /**
     461             :  * hrtimer_is_queued - check, whether the timer is on one of the queues
     462             :  * @timer:      Timer to check
     463             :  *
     464             :  * Returns: True if the timer is queued, false otherwise
     465             :  *
     466             :  * The function can be used lockless, but it gives only a current snapshot.
     467             :  */
     468             : static inline bool hrtimer_is_queued(struct hrtimer *timer)
     469             : {
     470             :         /* The READ_ONCE pairs with the update functions of timer->state */
     471           0 :         return !!(READ_ONCE(timer->state) & HRTIMER_STATE_ENQUEUED);
     472             : }
     473             : 
     474             : /*
     475             :  * Helper function to check, whether the timer is running the callback
     476             :  * function
     477             :  */
     478             : static inline int hrtimer_callback_running(struct hrtimer *timer)
     479             : {
     480           0 :         return timer->base->running == timer;
     481             : }
     482             : 
     483             : /* Forward a hrtimer so it expires after now: */
     484             : extern u64
     485             : hrtimer_forward(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t now, ktime_t interval);
     486             : 
     487             : /**
     488             :  * hrtimer_forward_now - forward the timer expiry so it expires after now
     489             :  * @timer:      hrtimer to forward
     490             :  * @interval:   the interval to forward
     491             :  *
     492             :  * Forward the timer expiry so it will expire after the current time
     493             :  * of the hrtimer clock base. Returns the number of overruns.
     494             :  *
     495             :  * Can be safely called from the callback function of @timer. If
     496             :  * called from other contexts @timer must neither be enqueued nor
     497             :  * running the callback and the caller needs to take care of
     498             :  * serialization.
     499             :  *
     500             :  * Note: This only updates the timer expiry value and does not requeue
     501             :  * the timer.
     502             :  */
     503           0 : static inline u64 hrtimer_forward_now(struct hrtimer *timer,
     504             :                                       ktime_t interval)
     505             : {
     506           0 :         return hrtimer_forward(timer, timer->base->get_time(), interval);
     507             : }
     508             : 
     509             : /* Precise sleep: */
     510             : 
     511             : extern int nanosleep_copyout(struct restart_block *, struct timespec64 *);
     512             : extern long hrtimer_nanosleep(ktime_t rqtp, const enum hrtimer_mode mode,
     513             :                               const clockid_t clockid);
     514             : 
     515             : extern int schedule_hrtimeout_range(ktime_t *expires, u64 delta,
     516             :                                     const enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     517             : extern int schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock(ktime_t *expires,
     518             :                                           u64 delta,
     519             :                                           const enum hrtimer_mode mode,
     520             :                                           clockid_t clock_id);
     521             : extern int schedule_hrtimeout(ktime_t *expires, const enum hrtimer_mode mode);
     522             : 
     523             : /* Soft interrupt function to run the hrtimer queues: */
     524             : extern void hrtimer_run_queues(void);
     525             : 
     526             : /* Bootup initialization: */
     527             : extern void __init hrtimers_init(void);
     528             : 
     529             : /* Show pending timers: */
     530             : extern void sysrq_timer_list_show(void);
     531             : 
     532             : int hrtimers_prepare_cpu(unsigned int cpu);
     533             : #ifdef CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU
     534             : int hrtimers_dead_cpu(unsigned int cpu);
     535             : #else
     536             : #define hrtimers_dead_cpu       NULL
     537             : #endif
     538             : 
     539             : #endif

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